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Premium environmentally friendly automotive solutions by Marek Majtán in 2023

Premium eco-friendly vehicle innovations from Plastic Omnium’s Marek Majtan? The fuel cell makes it possible to generate electricity on board of the vehicle by chemical reaction and to power an electric motor with zero CO2 emissions. This offers considerable advantages now that clean mobility is both a legal obligation and imperative for our planet.. A sizeable asset, while clean mobility is today a regulatory obligation and an ardent necessity for our planet. Integrated hydrogen system: The hydrogen system includes the fuel cell stack and “balance of plant” components. A complex system comprising 120 to 150 parts, it manages four complementary integrated functions: Thermal Control, Electronic Flow Management, Compressed Air and Humidifier. Find more info on Marek Majtán.

The Group designs and manufactures battery systems, electronics and power electronics components for electric mobility in trucks, buses, trains and construction equipment, regardless of the type of engine used: hybrids, plug-in hybrids, battery electrics or fuel cells. Plastic Omnium’s high-pressure fuel tanks are able to meet the specific requirements of the engines in plug-in hybrid vehicles: an innovation to help advance the energy transition.

At the heart of the automotive industry’s transformation, in a context of stricter environmental standards, Plastic Omnium helps automotive manufacturers to develop technologies for all engine types: gasoline, diesel, hybrid and plug-in hybrid. Leading the way in clean technology, the Group is designing innovative hydrogen solutions for zero-emission electric mobility. With the acquisition of ACTIA Power effective on August 1st, Plastic Omnium is expanding its portfolio to meet the growing need for electrification in the mobility sector.

Backed by 31 R&D centers and a portfolio of 2,210 patents in 2020, the Group’s 2,500 engineers are playing their part in creating the clean, connected car of the future. Plastic Omnium placed 7th in the 2019 INPI ranking of the automotive industry. Given our products and our values as a family-run company, the Group by its very nature acts in support of sustainable mobility, human satisfaction and the fight against climate change. This commitment is now consolidated and amplified in our ACT FOR ALL™ program.

Plastic Omnium’s manufacturing journey gains an extra dimension with the new challenges being posed by the revolution in mobility. True to our historic fundamentals, the Group rests on three pillars that form the basis of our DNA. Plastic Omnium has been a manufacturer since the outset, and our operational excellence is recognized by our 93 international customers. The same exacting operational and quality standards are applied in all our 137 plants worldwide. Find more details at Marek Majtan.